More Facts about Tsuyoshi :
1. What is your musical background ?
My musical background came from the 80's. 2. Where was the first party u played in ? The party was in Tokyo (Japan) before something like 15 years..yes long time ago. 3. What you like in Isreal ? I'm like the people here I visit 14 years already. U know every time I come here , I get many phone calls from Isreali friends "Tsuyoshi lets go out here and there". Every one here are so nice to me , people expecting from me to give ther in a party what they look for and I want exactly what they want. There is good communication between me and the Isreali crowd. They called me SAYOCHI , but my name is Tsuyoshi , this is my real name. 4. U see any diffrence between the trance scene today and 10 years ago ? The trance started in London 1994-95 , everything was totally new. The parties were in diffrent style with artists like Gunir Hackter and Prana (my crew). Diffrent type of trance and labels , but today it's look like the trance back and everything look the same. 5. There is a diffrence between the Isreali crowd and the Japanisie crowd ? Parties in Japan very very good also , in Japan there is diffrent style - House DJ's & Break DJ'S & Techno DJ's and everyone comes to Tokyo. In Isreal it seems like the scene is very very big and all u have it's trance. In Isreal there is also diffrent partis but the trance crowd in the top , in Japan also the trance is very big. 6. Which message u want to pass for the crowd when u playing ? Myself , my style. I'm trying to make people dance threw my heary , plz dance. 7. Which cd of yours sold most copies ? I think it's 'Germatic' - Prana second album in 1997. 8. You miss the trance in Goa (India) ? I think I want back there , it's seems like the situation there changed but many Isreali friends travel there this week and they very excited. They told me whats happen there and it's make me a desire. 9. What you like eat here ? Everything. U undersand , when I get to resturant all the table is full and I eat a little from everything. 10. Whats yoor plan for the future ? Produce many albums. I have two labels and I busy with it , many records. I work more with electro, rock , more guitars like style of band. " JOUJOUKA " 11. What u advice for man who want turn to be a DJ ? Hear diffrent types of music , try to be original most as he can. U nedd to fell and see what people really want , to be senstive and make people dance. 12. Which artists u like ? Many. I have many heros , all came from the 80's like Yuro Magic Kokstra & Kartes Work & Auto Box - everthing that comes from the 80's , even David Boey ( sorry about the names ). |
Interview from 2007 with DOSE Magazin
Tsuyoshi Suzuki
date: 2006-07 To put it mildly, Tsuyoshi Suzuki achieved a few things in life. He's the greatest psytrance name in Japan, spins all over the world at the greatest parties, spinning psy as DJ Tsuyoshi or electrorock as Numanoid. He has his own party series Tokiodrome in the famous venue Liquid Room and he also runs his trance label Feedback Recordings. And, that's just the surface. We've been following the man's releases for a few years, so we thought it was time to know what's up. However busy he was, he still had a few things to say to remember... THE DOSE: In one of your previous interviews you mentioned that you do electronic music because that's progressive and rock music doesn't have that quality. In your view, how progressive is electronic music nowadays? TSUYOSHI: Nowadays, electronic music is kind of stopping its progressivity ? but that's only a technical point of view. It still has a very interesting potential for style and expression. Electronic music can still mix soo many elements, so? THE DOSE: How evolving is your band Joujouka is at the moment, what direction do you plan for the band? TSUYOSHI: JOUJOUKA always mixes electro, new wave, alternative rock and punk. That's our direction still. THE DOSE: I believe that the name Joujouka refers to a village located in North Morocco where Sufi trance musicians Master Musicians of Joujouka come from and what was one sort of a center for beat generation writers? TSUYOSHI: Ommm,yes it is. The reason why I chose this Joujouka name came from Brian Jones' solo album. I thought this album is based on the idea of sampling as such, which is ? technically speaking ? the elementary method of electronic music today. I respect it totally. THE DOSE: Feedback Recordings is your new label after the legendary Matsuri. Can you talk about any new talents? Also, how is your work different in Feedback than it was some time ago? TSUYOSHI: Actually, Feedback Recordings is more of a psytrance label now and my solo DJ Tsuyoshi album - which is psytrance style - will be out late this year. Joujouka and Mia Murasaki which is me and the Funky Gong band will be releasing from my electro/house/rock label called Madskippers. My electro DJ persona Numanoid will be releasing a compilation called Nude this summer and one more new compilation as well. The new Joujouka album will be released this September. THE DOSE: previously called you "a posterboy for the cyber punk generation". Do you consider this to be a merely journalistic remark or you really have a connection to the cyberpunk subculture? Would you say cyberpunk as such still exists? TSUYOSHI: Cyberpunk, yes! It's totally in and over Japan. And yes, I'm in the scene! Tokyo still has these crazy scenes which come back from the manga Akira.. THE DOSE: I first met Joujouka through the PS2 game Rez soundtrack "Rock is Sponge". That is so much Joujoukaness - the cymbals and the bass drum/grooves still appear in other tracks.. How did you meet Mizuguchi-san? TSUYOSHI: Me and Mizuguchi were both students at the University of Art ? it was a great collaboration between me and him. We did a great launch event in Tokyo called TOKIODROME with a Joujouka live set and we had Adam Freeland and Coldcut on a live Internet streaming. THE DOSE: If you had to express yourself without music - what would you produce and in what art form? TSUYOSHI: A film director or a video artist. THE DOSE: With all that extensive clubbing, DJing and performing that you do, what kind of regenerative tours do you take? Any sports, energy preservation techniques, etc? TSUYOSHI: Yoga is the best. I'm also eating healthy food, and so on.... sleeping well is also a must. THE DOSE: As a major musician, producer and DJ, how do you see the way music is handled as a product? TSUYOSHI: A new system of the copyright must be formulated. THE DOSE: What is the most interesting artistic production in 2006 you became aware of? TSUYOSHI: I'm currently interested about global artist communities on the net. THE DOSE: Please describe your early musical interests, in terms of both listening and playing. TSUYOSHI: My background is 100% ?80s new wave style. THE DOSE: How do you see teenagers of the current world? TSUYOSHI: Ommmm, I think they need to listen more styles of music. THE DOSE: What do you think at this point in your career is making you happiest? TSUYOSHI: I'm never happy about what I'm doing now.. still so many things to do for the future..! THE DOSE: Who are your gurus musically and spiritually? TSUYOSHI: Brian Eno, David Bowie, Kraftwerk, YMO, Minakata Kumakusu, John C Reilly, etc? THE DOSE: Would you create music for films or dance performances? How would those arts change your approach to music? TSUYOSHI: I've been creating music video clips a lot in my past.. but I'd like to direct DVD stuff for the future soon. THE DOSE: How does a normal, non-partying day of Tsuyoshi Suzuki look like? TSUYOSHI: Ommmm, good questions.....still thinking about art and my work, I guess..... THE DOSE: Thank you so much for this interview once again. Do you have any final message to the DOSE readers? TSUYOSHI: I will release soo many electro stuffs in the future, so please check them out on Madskippers!!!!! |